Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Absolute Truths

Scenario: Side A thinks that they are justified in invading Side B because they were attacked. Side B thinks they were justified in attacking Side A.
So who's right? THAT'S THE PROBLEM. Both sides think they are right and justified in doing such and such, and what comes out of it? A massive war. People, it does not take some mega genius to figure this out. If a sleep deprvied 14 year old can do it then anyone can.
I believe that absolute truths exist in this world. What are they? They are like universal guidelines. We live in a world where people do what they think is right; what's right for you isn't whats right for me. For many things in this world there exists an absolute truth:With the exception of some very special cases, killing is not right. Think of the Ten Commandments. They are a set of guidelines not for some people to live by, it was for everyone. Today we have to much of: Well in this situation it is ok for us to invade this country, but in this situation it wasn't ok for this country to attack us. DON'T MAKE TRUTHS CONFORM TO YOUR BELIEFS, BASE YOUR IDEAS OFF ABSOLUTE TRUTHS.


Anisha said...

Dude, Michelle, absolute truths are totally real. You're so right about that. Because if someone said that there are no absolute truths, well the statement that they made would have to be an absolute truth, which disproves them. I read this book all about Absolute Truth. It was pretty interesting. But anyway, one of the reasons that I am Republican is because Liberals don't believe in absolute truths. They say that each person can do what they think is right. What's wrong for someone is right for someone else. This is totally wrong, but that's what Democrats believe.

athelete518 said...

What I was getting onto you about earlier, is that a death is a death, a killing is a killing. It is not more right or more wrong whether we do it or if it is done to us. This is universal. I have an inclination to believe it is not Democrats or Republicans that believe a certain this or that. Our whole society has adopted a: Do what feels good and right to you, and if I see someone exemplifying this trait, I get ticked off, no matter if they are Democrats, Republicans, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Scientologists, anyone. We are all prone to sinning.

Anisha said...

I agree with you about absolute truths. Murder is murder. But there is no way that smoking is murder. If someone dies because of second-hand smoke, then the person smoking is responsible for their death, but in no way did they outright murder them. I know truth is truth, but these two things just aren't the same.

Project Blog Tip: Vinco said...

Kiki has a point. Thats why in todays world, there is something called manslaughter, accidental killing, and you dont get a big as sentence.


athelete518 said...

the most important part it the remorse; even if it is an accident, if you feel nothing for it, then it is the same. I think there are many people who have true regret for having done some things. I get the feeling Bush is like: Kill all that defy! not: I regret having to do this to so many people and ask God for forgiveness, you know what I mean? People aren't really sincere and ready to take responsibility for their actions.

none said...

Doesn't it mention somewhere in the bible that feeling anger towards someone can also be known as murder?

athelete518 said...

I think it does. If you are angry at someone to the point where you have the intent to kill them, isn't sort of the same thing? Murder isn't necessarily the modern depiction of it, you know: bloody, gory, mutilated etc. etc. Murder can occur in subtler ways too. There violent, hating intentions. There are many "poisons" that don't show much on the outside, but I would still consider it a murder.

Anisha said...

Yeah, it says in the Bible that even hating someone in your mind is equal to murder. So like, everyone's "commited murder".