Scenario: Side A thinks that they are justified in invading Side B because they were attacked. Side B thinks they were justified in attacking Side A.
So who's right? THAT'S THE PROBLEM. Both sides think they are right and justified in doing such and such, and what comes out of it? A massive war. People, it does not take some mega genius to figure this out. If a sleep deprvied 14 year old can do it then anyone can.
I believe that absolute truths exist in this world. What are they? They are like universal guidelines. We live in a world where people do what they think is right; what's right for you isn't whats right for me. For many things in this world there exists an absolute truth:With the exception of some very special cases, killing is not right. Think of the Ten Commandments. They are a set of guidelines not for some people to live by, it was for everyone. Today we have to much of: Well in this situation it is ok for us to invade this country, but in this situation it wasn't ok for this country to attack us. DON'T MAKE TRUTHS CONFORM TO YOUR BELIEFS, BASE YOUR IDEAS OFF ABSOLUTE TRUTHS.