Tuesday, October 2, 2007

All or Nothing

I sort of touched on this in a comment on What Do You Believe, but I was asked to make a post about this due to its prevalence and importance. If you call yourself Christian, you can't say, "Oh well I sort of believe..." YOU CAN'T HALF BELIEVE! I know for a fact this is not only in Christianity, but for many other religions, and even just beliefs in certain topics in general, half believing makes no sense, does nothing for you, and truthfully, I think it makes you look bad. Thusly, I cannot say I'm sort of Christian, I'm either a fully devoted, solid of faith Christian, or I'm not. For example: We have so many people in this country who say they are Christian, but come judgment day, can they honestly proclaim that they truly believe and truly accept Jesus Christ and live their life for a higher cause?
People be whether you are strong with your beliefs or not, remember, there is no use in pretending.


Project Blog Tip: Vinco said...

I have one word to say. Agreed. To the point and well said. THANKS FOR THE PERSPECTIVE!

athelete518 said...

thanks for yours man. It's good that some people in this world like to keep an open mind and discuss things. Society seems to try to impose these beliefs that you can do whatever you FEEL like doing and screw consequences. If EVERYONE lived like that (meaning there are no people who stick to their morals and listen to their consciences) we'd be long dead. A lot of problems in this world would be solved if people figured out the need for personal/individual responsibility. Personally I am appalled that some people can go living on as they do; at some point a person's got to think: Am I doing what's truly right, or am I conforming to others and doing what feels good?

Anisha said...

I totally agree. It's really all or nothing. The worst thing are people who are fake Christians. The go to church and pretend to be Christians, but they have no personal relationship with God.

athelete518 said...

Yeah if you want to be something, devote your whole self towards it. You can't just be Christian at church, you need to act Christian, think Christian, and devote yourself to the Lord if you want to call yourself Christian. There might be some people reading these and going, why all the dedication? YOU CAN'T DO THINGS HALFWAY.